2014(e)ko uztailaren 4(a), ostirala


The Balkan war brought lots of casualties to Bosnia, the country has three ethnic groups; Bosniak or Muslims account for about half of the population, orthodox Serbs 35% and the rest are Catholic Croats.

After the war in 1995 a peace treaty was signed in Dayton (USA), dividing the country in two: the Croat-Bosniak federation on one hand and the Serbs republic on the other. This has stopped violence but from my experience the parties are still very divided.

The old brigde of Mostar was reopened in 2001, but city remains ethnically divided. Education is still segregated, each group has it's own post office... This felt really strange as all groups were always very kind to me.

Bosnia also had some outstanding nature, big mountains and rivers with some narrow, almost claustrophobic valleys. Shame the weather didn't help while I was there.

I'll try to make a video of Serbia next.

Regards from Macedonia,

Bosnia english from lander on Vimeo.

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