2014(e)ko irailaren 26(a), ostirala

Along the black sea

It's been three weeks since Ane returned home and I left Istanbul, following the black sea I cycled all the way to Trabzon.

The first few days where hard, my body had become lazy and after been in good company for month and a half it was time to continue on my own. Luckily I met Carmen and Joe whom I shared the road with for few days, together we had a chance to taste some of the best Turkish hospitality. We've been invited for tea on countless occasions and there have many times when people have welcomed to their homes too, no words can describe the kindness of Turkish people!

Carmen and Joe were on a tight schedule due to visa entry deadlines so it was fun to push ourselves over the steep roads of the black sea, unfortunately we have planned different routes and had to say goodbye in Trabzon. Now I'm cycling with Fernando and Veronika, a spanish-lithuanian couple, we plan to follow similar routes for some time so will probably share the road for a while (as winter is approaching decided that is not a good idea to go to the Pamir mountains and will head south instead). That will be if we manage to pick an Iranian visa, Trabzon has reputation to be one of the easiest place to get one but so far we've been told to return to the embassy a week later...

I'll let you know how we get on.

I'd like to thank you all the people who have helped us along the black sea, special mention to Ali, Ergun, Yasin, Murat, Yetkin and finally to Yalcin eta Ayvaz families.


Black Sea ENGLISH from lander on Vimeo.

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